Danish Wind Power – Export and Cost
Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University, Feb 2010
Authors: Henrik Lund, Frede Hvelplund, Poul Alberg Østergaard, Bernd Möller, Brian Vad Mathiesen, Anders N. Andersen, Poul Erik Morthorst, Kenneth Karlsson, Peter Meibom, Marie Münster, Jesper Munksgaard, Peter Karnøe, Henrik Wenzel, Hans Erik Lindboe
Key words: Wind power integration, Electricity markets, Cost of wind power, Share of unused wind power
In a normal wind year, Danish wind turbines generate the equivalent of approx. 20 percent of the Danish electricity demand. This paper argues that only approx. 1 percent of the wind power production is exported. The rest is used to meet domestic Danish electricity demands. The cost of wind power is paid solely by the electricity consumers and the net influence on consumer prices was as low as 1-3 percent on average in the period 2004-2008. In 2008, the net influence even decreased the average consumer price, although only slightly.