Optimisation of Asset Operations
Ensure that at any time that energy demand is met, and at the same time finding the operation strategy with the best economics can be challenging, specifically when participating in multiple electricity markets and integrating fluctuating renewable energy sources in the production of heat. Often the overall economy of the plant can be improved considerably by investing in a thermal storage or by adjusting the bidding strategy in the balancing markets.
For instance, in a system which is supplemented with an electric boiler and wind turbines, the electric boiler should consume electricity from the wind turbines, when it is windy, and consume electricity from the Day-ahead market, when prices are low. But at the same time, it should offer its capacity in the Regulating power markets. To make the operation planning even more complex, the electric boiler could be operated partly on electricity from the wind turbines and partly on electricity from the electricity markets. What is the optimal operational strategy?
With profound understanding of the dynamics of the electricity market and the daily challenges of planning the operation at complex energy plants, you will get a complete analysis of the current operation and an in-depth study of the potential for optimising the operation. An example of the impact of such optimised operation can be found here.