Changes in energyPRO

energyPRO 4.9.428



  • TeamViewer, option of not installing TeamViewer when making a custom installation



  • Reports, peak imported electricity is wrong in energy conversion, monthly and compare reports
  • COMPARE, in rare case, when loading both payment group and time series, the payment group appears in external conditions in alternatives
  • energyTRADE, missing bids for planned production
  • Environment, only one emission can be added, not possible to add more emissions
  • Formulas, when have the use the name of time series instead of the symbol, clicking the name gives the symbol
  • Time series, Text cut off in Offset option
  • Production, graphic, fuels, with use unit in graph and export, multiplies with app. heat value for each time shown
  • energyTRADE, Downward regulating bids are unexpectedly negative
  • energyTRADE, error when having large number of time series and time series functions
  • energyTRADE, operation strategy report gives wrong balancing prices
  • energyTRADE, time series made as copies from original time series have the original time series as prognosis
  • energyTRADE, with traded units, the export/import limits are not obeyed
  • energyTRADE, values in energy conversion tables are not consistent
  • energyTRADE, block bids are not always to be offered with full capacity
  • energyTRADE, status bar window still showing after calculation is done
  • energyTRADE, error when adding values in historic settings in configuration
  • energyTRADE, scaling is not working in the energy tables
  • Indexes, Indexing of demand fails when demand TS is not “closed”
  • INTERFACE, having a COMPARE project, error if writing reference in name of alternative
  • Heat pump, changing fuel as output can lead to connections not dissappearing
  • Markets, grid restriction fails if measuring unit differs from default
  • Duration curve, missing buttons
  • Operation strategy graph, wrong heat pump or electric boiler curve, when not operating in the first timestep of the month
  • Operation strategy report, boiler payments are all zero
  • OPTIMIZE, error when making calculation
  • OPTIMIZE, Thermal storage, specific annuity is per m3, shall be per MWh
  • OPTIMIZE, transmission, report has error
  • energyTRADE, Timeseries, scaling and offsetting is not working on historic values in energyTRADE
  • Calculation method. String on button not updated when closing project.
  • Fuel producing units working inconsistent


energyPRO 4.9.400 



    • Transmissions 
    • Hydraulic transmissions 
    • Grid connections 
    • User defined thermal storages 
    • Fuel storages 
    • Heat on built-in heat pump 
  • Batteries, formulars on charging/discharging capacities 
  • Peak payments included in MILP optimization 
  • Time series, option of scaling and offsetting 
  • Time series, option of setting color on time series 



  • MILP, units without access to storage cannot cover transmission loss 
  • OPTIMIZE, Thermal storage, calculated specific annuity is per m3, shall be per MWh 
  • Electricity market, restrictions on an Electricity Market don’t work when being formula based and in a different measuring unit 
  • Transmissions, showing of losses in graph on transmission is a factor 1000 to high 
  • Transmissions, hydraulic, wrong calculation of losses when having transmission in both directions 
  • Energy conversion monthly report – sometimes the max. fuel consumption misses to check December values 
  • Export energy conversion, when the fuel unit is set to be used in graphs and exports, the fuel storage unit is wrong 
  • Danish translation, typo errors 
  • Opening energyPRO problem 
  • Incorrect lines to heat and process heat rejection 
  • Demand, in some cases when using index, the demand is not correct in the planning period 
  • Heat pump, deleting a time series makes the program freeze 
  • COMPARE, Thermal Store, utilization is not synchronized 
  • COMPARE, in alternatives it shall not be possible to rename items present in reference or other alternatives 
  • COMPARE, no Warning when changing from FINANCE to DESIGN if the reverence has no financing or investment 
  • COMPARE, with many alternatives the orientation of the compare reports should be switched to landscape format 
  • energyTRADE, recalculation with 24 hour interval gives error 
  • energyTRADE, Time series for last time stamp does not save chosen timeseries 



Changes in energyPRO 4.9.361



  • Option of Team Viewer assistance for hotline



  • OPTIMIZE, After an OPTIMIZE calculation of a FINANCE project, the planning period is not reset to planning period of the FINANCE project.
  • Heat pump, error when opening a project including the built-in heat pump
  • OPTIMIZE, calculated battery capacity is wrong by a factor 1000 when measuring unit of the project is MW/MWh
  • Operation strategy, the spot price is not included in the graph until a calculation has been made
  • Economy, German KWK2020 functions are not included in the analytic calculation
  • OPTIMIZE, optimal capacity cannot get below starting storage content. The starting content is now set to zero, when making an OPTIMIZE calculation
  • Time series function, when using time series function in an energy conversion unit, changed values in the time series function are not transferred to the energy conversion unit
  • Calculation, wrong message on fuel balance when having offered fuel
  • OPTIMIZE, After an OPTIMIZE calculation, “OPTIMIZE” is now included in the header of the reports
  • Fuel demand, when having a fuel demand of a fuel without heating value, you have an error
  • COMPARE, not possible to set or change fuel input or output on user defined energy conversion units
  • Report, Operation hours are wrong in Energy conversion monthly and summary
  • Spot market, change of time series on spot market is not changing the result of calculation
  • German MarktWert function, wrong name of 2. parameter
  • Reports, Compare environment, total CO2 is incorrect
  • Demands, when demand is specified in a measuring unit different from the measuring unit of the project, and showing the demand as graph multiple times, the y-scale is wrong
  • Economy input, in some case it is not possible to drag and drop payments
  • Loading a time series function with cycles gives an error, shall instead give a red cross
  • Heat demand dependent on ambient temperature, changed the unit of the fields.
  • Report, energy conversion, annual, energy conversion unit is not appearing in list of heat production
  • Wind turbine, in some cases you have a wrong error message
  • Timeseries functions, when time series is updated the time series functions referring to the timeseries are not updated
  • Hydraulic transmission calculation, missing check on temperatures settings on site
  • Demand Following an Index has a wrong offset as graphic
  • Activation statistic, error message when closing energyPRO after having viewed the activation statistic
  • energyTRADE, text file data provider not able to handle more files per day
  • energyTRADE, operation strategy report, wrong number on purchased electricity


Changes in energyPRO 4.9.331



  • New OPTIMIZE module 
  • Fuel demand 
  • Forced operation of energy conversion units 
  • New min., max. and sum time series functions 
  • Private wire functions in MILP 



  • OPERATION, calculation fails when planning period is longer than a year 
  • Input data, possible to load wrong type of data 
  • Energy Conversion Report. Hours of operation incorrect 
  • Battery, capacity field not updated when changing utilization 
  • Markets, when using timeseries in payments for fixed tariff market wrong timeseries can be used 
  • Report, energy conversion, annual. Missing total electricity consumption if only one consumer 
  • REGION, error when loading site from project file 
  • Reports, emission reports come out with zero values 
  • Activation statistics, in some cases you have a message regarding unknown data fields 
  • Heat demand not met message, where it seems like demand is met 
  • Thermal solar collector, Doubling solar thermal Output when having multiple fuels 
  • COMPARE, changing load on ECU in reference is not reflected in alternatives 
  • Reports, energy conversion annual, Region, missing cooling production table in demand site 
  • Reports, energy conversion annual, wrong showing of energy conversion units in REGION when having cooling 
  • Fixed tariff market, you can have an error when using peakimported formula 
  • Built-in energy conversion units, when having fuel as output the capacity limit is not respected 
  • Energy conversion units, when setting start of Operation restricted to period default is end of planning period 
  • Report, Operation income, error in amount when price is zero 
  • Duration curves, in some cases electricity consumption and losses are not included 
  • Export energy conversion, process heat demand is labelled heat demand 
  • Export economy – error if paymentgroups does not contain payments 
  • Copying out TSF returns dataset with index outside planning period 
  • MILP. Operation period is not overruled by change load frequency when it should 
  • Electrolyzer When having no electric capacity in electrolyzer, error pops up when starting calculation 
  • US measuring units, Discrepancy between energyPRO calculation and exported energy conversion 
  • Energy conversion unit, It is possible to edit text in table in operation tab 
  • energyTRADE, Progress bar missing when fetching data and/or calculating 
  • energyTRADE. Bidding table is not updated when selecting date in calendar dropdown. 
  • energyTRADE, Cannot choose traded electricity for payments 


Changes in energyPRO 4.9.189


  • Activation, error when trying to make an activation
  • Export energy conversion, in some cases, when having a user defined measuring units template, demands have wrong values when exporting energy conversion
  • Loading energy conversion units from our database, they are connected to all the fuels in the project
  • Time series function, in some cases, it is not possible to add new time series functions


Changes in energyPRO 4.9.180


  • Time series, handling of time series has been made faster
  • Tools, results of hydraulic transmissions can be exported



  • MILP, market payments are not included when first payment has zero amount or price per unit
  • INTERFACE, problem with reading txt file
  • Energy conversion, graphic. In some cases, when changing order of energy conversion units, energyPRO recalculates
  • Progress window missing header and button in COMPARE
  • Compare key financial figures, payback and internal rate of return graphs fail
  • Key financial figures, QI returns in some situations wrong result
  • Financing, table is not updated when opening
  • Cash flow graphic, wrong values in the first two months
  • Changing the colour of ECUs makes energyPRO recalculate
  • Reports, wrong measuring unit for fuel storage in exported energy conversion
  • Electrolyser, graphical user interface setting is reset when editing
  • Entering energy conversion unit changes the model to modified
  • Analytic calculation, Call back error when having parallel calculation
  • energyTRADE, Change load no more frequently than causes error
  • In rare occasions, loading a time series made a payment group in the list of time series
  • When loading an energy conversion unit, you are asked to select a fuel, but nothing happens
  • When saving previous version of energyTRADE model it is renamed to .~epp instead of .~etp
  • Graphical userinterface, when allowing transmission, we are missing line from other site to rejection unit
  • Graphical userinterface, the cooling connection from other site to cooling rejection is red instead of blue.
  • The window “There is a new energyPRO update available” refers to 4.5 in Danish version
  • Fixed tariff markets, show as graphic shows wrong results when entered first time


Changes in energyPRO 4.9.133


  • Load change restrictions
  • Payments handled at timestep level
  • New Electrolyzer model
  • Option of different outputs on PV, Heat pump and Solar collector
  • Speeding up operation strategy calculation



  • Battery Storage Content – wrong unit conversion
  • COMPARE, heat pump is not synchronized across alternatives
  • Complex conversion tables, changing order of columns is not saved
  • Creating a new model and next opening an existing model causes the new model to be deleted
  • Annual key figures. FP(_) function not returning a value when fuels have no heat value
  • Energy conversion monthly and overview report, missing line with zero fuel consumption
  • Energy conversion unit has NAP for whole planning periods, but still it has starts
  • Energy conversion unit Wind turbine, no warning when windspeed time series is missing
  • Energy conversion unit, when deleting fuel, wind farm has an error
  • External conditions, Time series function with functions set by cycle periods is not saved
  • Graphics, when right clicking any graph but the top one and select edit, the top graph is appearing
  • Heat pump window is very slow on opening and closing
  • Input data, Missing the checkbox below connection restricted to a period in a transmission
  • Investment form, the font size is too small
  • MILP, electricity demand is not added to LP file, when not having electricity markets
  • MILP, Error in modelling starting up
  • MILP, Precision is not set when using CPLEX solver
  • MILP, start and stop time is failing when having operation or non operation period equal to or less than calculation step
  • MILP, User defined units cannot fulfill electric demands on other electricity markets
  • MILP, wrong feeding into LP file when in power curves the value in line below is higher than the value in line above
  • MILP, wrong feeding into LP file when on an energy conversion unit moving a fuel from input to output
  • Miscellaneous, in some cases progress bar is missing
  • Names, underscore is not allowed in start, but is replaced by underscore
  • Operation strategy to MILP, Market payments, All markets is not handled correct
  • Payments, Error in WorkOfPumps when Price per Unit is a time series
  • Projects saved in 4.7 fails in 4.8 when the user had INTERFACE in 4.7 but not in 4.8
  • PV, more year calculation, losses fail when referring to a time series function
  • REGION model, error when moving demand to other site
  • Report, energy conversion, annual gives in some cases an error with incompatible conversion types
  • Reports, Compare cashflow report, revenues and operation expenditures are not correct in some cases
  • Reports, energy conversion graphic not showing correct graphs when using regions
  • Reports, Energy conversion, annual and monthly, Operation hours are above number of hours in the year
  • Reports, Error on cooling load duration curves for options other than demand only where the cooling comes from another site
  • Reports, in some cases process heat rejection unit causes Production, graphic to crash
  • Reports, Incorrect cooling load duration curve
  • Reports, Production, carpets crashes in some cases when fuel production
  • Reports, production, graphic, E-cars have wrong measuring units
  • Reports, Technical assumptions, errors on user defined units producing fuel
  • Time series function, conversion table and cycle periods are not synchronized in COMPARE
  • Time series function, cycle periods, when deleting any line the last one is deleted
  • Time series function, cycle periods, when right-click and delete on the Time series function form, the time series function is deleted
  • Translation issue when importing a payment
  • energyTRADE, after being in configuration, an extra time column appears in energy table
  • energyTRADE, export energy conversion, wrong formatting
  • energyTRADE, exported electricity payment gives wrong results
  • energyTRADE, illegal type error message plus HeatBidPowerCurve error
  • energyTRADE, Missing translation to Danish
  • energyTRADE, no trading, missing production and consumption in energy type table
  • Capacity limits for regulating bids not respected
  • Data provider, update of energy taxes inserts a line with zero
  • Operation strategy calculation does not include traded electricity payments
  • Planned production not shown in graphics and realizable production equal to zero
  • Traded electricity payments. Wrong values in lp file
  • When having non availability periods you have in some cases negative heat production


Changes in energyPRO 4.8.526


  • Activation, unknown data fields message
  • Battery is not appearing on operation strategy and is not connected to an electricity market
  • COMPARE, after adding an alternative and saving, it still says modified
  • COMPARE, changing from DESIGN to FINANCE, investment and financing is missing in alternatives where Project identification is desynchronized
  • COMPARE, changing selected strategy of ECU and closing gives invalid pointer operation
  • COMPARE, Electric Vehicle. Invalid pointer operation when saving after changing settings
  • Demands, access violation error when adding electricity demand
  • Electricity demand, as graphic has in some cases wrong measuring unit
  • Hydraulic calculation: Error in WorkOfPumps function when Price per Unit is a time series
  • MILP and more markets, electricity producing units can only cover electricity demand connected to the first of the markets
  • MILP, occasional error in HiGHS solver
  • Storage, wrong warning on storage content when having minimum storage content and Full storage at start of calculation
  • Storages, wrong desired content at end sent to the solver
  • Time series function, incomplete or wrong functions in conversion table or cyclic periods causes endless loop of time series update
  • Translation, fuel, wrong text in German
  • When starting in Demo, unnecessary message appears


Changes in energyPRO 4.8.510


  • MILP, you are now able to specify which MILP solver to use for given project
  • License and activation check, warning when approaching stop date
  • energyTRADE, historic values of different energy types including fuels and demands
  • energyTRADE, generic SQL data provider
  • energyTRADE, improvements in setup of automatic recalculation and bid sending



  • German translation issues
  • FINANCE, demands as timeseries is missing move timeseries on week/date and development over the years
  • Operation strategy, incompatible conversion types when changing to FINANCE
  • Energy conversion unit. Link to payment on unit is wrong
  • Solar thermal Collector: Ktheta is not displayed correctly
  • External Conditions. Time series. Error when adding new line while date field is selected
  • INTERFACE, Weekly fixed profile is not correct on Sundays
  • FINANCE, warning message re investments not included issues
  • Reports, error in the presentation of transmitted energy in the monthly Energy Conversion report
  • Graphic user interface, missing input and output process power on energy conversion unit
  • Operation strategy, error when changing from Analytic to MILP
  • Transmission, error in calculation of transmission losses when having transmission in both directions
  • Time series overview, wrong axis title in graph when displaying multiple time series in one coordinate system
  • German function KWK Exported function not included in operation strategy
  • energyTRADE, automatic Regulating bids are sent for the wrong period
  • Copying time series in planning period has an error
  • Missing Input process power on ECU
  • Heat storage, missing power measuring unit in heat losses
  • Unnecessary recalculation when selecting draft comparison of key financial figures
  • Activation, message with Serial number is appearing
  • Energy conversion unit, power curve issue when set to zero
  • Graphic user interface, deleting process heat storage update connection problem
  • Energy conversion unit, PV, Temperature unit different from default measuring unit is not saved
  • Demands as time series function, decimal separator replaced by tab
  • Demand as timer series function, restricted period connection problem
  • energyTRADE, missing bids on HP and Electric boiler
  • Energy conversion annual report, error in full load hours
  • PAP Function not working correctly in part load
  • Transmission, Process Heat store not used
  • Energy conversion units, cannot handle 0 values for fuels in power curves
  • Time series overview, graphic, wrong title on y-axis
  • INTERFACE, csv files with separate date and columns are not inserted correct
  • German function, KWK Exported function not included in operation strategy
  • Fuel storage, wrong factor on capacity


Changes in energyPRO 4.8.461


  • Hydraulic calculation of district heating
  • Option of using new MILP solver, HiGHS
  • Time series function, option of 2-dimensional conversion table
  • Time series function, option of defining cycle periods, similar to fixed tariff market
  • Electricity demands can be connected to different markets
  • energyTRADE, new specific energyTRADE file format
  • energyTRADE, access to the single sites on production, graphic




  • Calculation, error when going from 1 year calculation to more years calculation
  • COMPARE, in some cases, Energy conversion report causes unnecessary recalculation
  • COMPARE, in some cases, loading CHP gives fuel error
  • COMPARE, issue with Non availability periods in some cases
  • COMPARE, when adding thermal storage to reference it shows as desynchronised in alternative
  • Deleting or setting non availability periods on Energy conversion units makes energyPRO close without warning
  • Economy, fixed payments effect the operation strategy
  • Energy conversion unit, problem with loading Non Availability Periods
  • Energy conversion units, clearing time setting of non availability period causes error
  • Energy conversion units, negative values in power curves shall not be allowed
  • Energy conversion units, PAPFUEL expression returns zero
  • energyTRADE, energy conversion file is not in same timestep as calculation
  • energyTRADE, error operation income when using user defined day-ahead bid
  • energyTRADE, Hvide Sande model is not running in 4.8
  • energyTRADE, in table the currency of the project shall be shown
  • energyTRADE, in table the measuring unit shall be shown
  • energyTRADE, option of selecting planned production as time series function
  • energyTRADE, with calculation step of 15 min the hourly average in table is wrong
  • energyTRADE: wrong results with planned production and ramping activated
  • Error in function gives problem opening project file
  • Error warning, missing error warning when deleting time series
  • Export energy conversion, Fuel production is not appearing when using fuel unit and the resolution is month or year
  • FINANCE, when having yearly optimization, the calculations are not in parallel
  • Fuel storage, unit of graph not always correct
  • Full load hours not calculated with fuel input/output
  • Heat rejection, in some cases a 4.7 project with heat rejection cannot be opened in energyPRO 4.8
  • Hydraulic calculation: Heat loss not calculated correctly
  • INTERFACE, text reports have a data separator too much at end of each line
  • MILP, wrong result when having energy conversion unit having both input and output of same energy type
  • Misspelling in privacy warning and terms of use acceptance
  • Operation strategy window, change of month and covering own demand issue
  • Payments, FPCap causes different operation
  • Payments, FCCAP and FPCAP return zero
  • payments, FPCAP effects the MILP calculation
  • Payments, in some cases the fuel amount is not correct
  • Payments, Index function fails
  • Payments, PeakExportedElectricity makes calculation error.
  • REGION, loading a site causes an error
  • Reports, Cash flow, graphic, Cash Account is one month off
  • Reports, Compare cash flow, wrong text, shall be Cash Surplus instead of Cash Account
  • Reports, Compare key financial figures, graphs become too small on some computers
  • Reports, COP Heating instead of COP Cooling
  • Reports, full load hours not calculated correct in some cases
  • Reports, having more than one fuel, the copy data to spreadsheet is resetting fuel numbers
  • Reports, in some cases text is going below frame
  • Reports, issue with full load hours in heat pumps
  • Reports, QI payments are returning zero
  • Reports, utilization factor 0% if fuel output specified as TSF or TS
  • Reports, utilization factor is wrong when having process heat production
  • Reports, utilization factor of 0% for units only consuming an energy type
  • Reports, wrong total efficiency if one of the outputs is a fuel
  • Solar, array shading is wrong when solar PV or collector has zero inclination
  • Solar, in case of inclination of zero, array shading is wrong when it comes to beam radiation
  • Switching from process heat demands to heat demands causes run error
  • Time series function, changes in symbol is not updated in complex formulas
  • Time series, in some cases it is not possible to delete from right click menu
  • User defined storage, as graphic, temperature shall not be shown
  • User defined storage, loss settings are lost