The DESIGN module is the basic module in energyPRO which is used to calculate the optimal energy conversions for heat, cooling and electricity for a one-year period based typically on hourly values though other time resolutions are also possible.

  • Flexible & Capacious
    Flexibility and capacity are keywords for this module as it is possible to enter an unlimited number of heat, cooling or electricity demands into the module as well as an unlimited number of different energy units covering both conventional as well as newer technologies.
  • Easy Analysis
    The DESIGN module furthermore makes it easy to analyse the use of different types of energy storages, e.g. thermal energy storage in connection to cogeneration and/or trigeneration projects, fuel storage in connection to biogas projects as well as independent projects based on ice storage, compressed air storage, hydro pumping storage or batteries.
  • Prioritize
    For projects with a multiple price tariff structure for the electricity sale or based on historical electricity prices, energyPRO is able to prioritize the electricity production of the plant to the best paid periods under due consideration of fulfilling any heat or cooling demands specified.
  • Define & Enter Data
    Within the DESIGN module, it is possible to define and enter revenues and operating costs for a project. The user defines which revenues and operating costs shall be included by creating the structure of the report (totals/subtotals) and filling in unit prices for the different revenue and cost items.
  • Access to data
    The DESIGN module also includes access to different time series data and an online data server with weather data hosted by EMD International A/S.
  • Important
    For application of other energyPRO modules access to the DESIGN module is a prerequisite.

Production, graphic energypro 5.0

Production, graphic, own window energyPRO 5.0

Graphical user interface energyPRO