Project Examples
- Molten Salt Storage in energyPRO
- Danish cogeneration plant and solar collectors in separate sites
- Power plant and wind farm with electricity storage in island operation
- Cogeneration plant and electric heat pump on fixed tariffs
- Tri-generation plant on a Day-Ahead market
- Photovoltaic and battery on fixed tariffs
If you cannot find an example that is relevant for the system you wish to model, feel free to contact us at
From installing energyPRO, a part of the installation contains a library of different examples and country specific datasets such as weather data and electricity prices. The default directory for this library is C:\energyPRO Data\.
From energyPRO these data and examples can be loaded and used for inspiration when setting up your own project.
Please have a look at this video where we visit a district heating plant in Denmark using energyPRO on a daily basis.