windPRO License Types

Standard License

A standard license gives you perpetual access to the software modules you have licensed. The license is supplied with free service (support and program updates) during the first year. Upon expiry of the free one-year service period, you can choose to enter an agreement with us for on-going service (support and program updates).


Our software can also be licensed for a limited period of one year. When choosing this type of license, you pay 40% of the standard license price. Free service (support and program updates) are included in the price. Upon expiry of the license period you can either choose to renew the one-year-license for a new period or you can choose to convert to a standard license by paying the price difference between the two license types and optionally also service for the coming year.

University Licenses

Special favourable prices for our software are available for universities and other educational institutions, provided that the supplied software is not used for any commercial activities.
Please contact our sales department at for a specific offer and detailed license conditions.

Educational Licenses

If you would like to use our software for classroom training at your educational institution, we can offer time-limited license packages allowing both the instructor and the students to have individual software licenses for educational purposes solely. No commercial activities are allowed with this license type.
Please contact our sales department at for further information and prices.

Student Licenses

If you would like to use our software as part of your students’ course curriculum, we can supply you with time-limited software licenses for each individual student at very favourable prices.
Please contact our sales department at for further information and prices.


Additional Licenses

Only the first license to windPRO or energyPRO costs full price. Each additional license to windPRO and energyPRO to the same license holder is supplied at a price of 50% compared to the price of the first license.

License Agreement

Supply of our software requires that you sign our License Agreement. Any future additional purchases of new modules or service (support and program updates) are covered by the License Agreement signed initially when purchasing a license. The License Agreement can be viewed here.

Support and maintenance

Upon expiry of the 1st year of free service, you can choose to enter a service and update agreement with EMD. The annual price for a service and update agreement is 20% of the current valid list prices for your modules. The service and update agreement includes:

  • Free download of new versions and developments of the software programs
  • Free of charge hotline support by phone or on-line in using the software and other required topics
  • Free download of update patches, hotfixes and manuals