Our news
energyPRO 5.0 webinar – register now!
Get ready for energyPRO 5.0! Join us for an exciting webinar hosted by Leif Holm Tambjerg, where we will introduce the innovative features and enhancements of energyPRO 5.0. The webinar will be divided into two sessions, and you are welcome to join either one or both....
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EMD selected for key wind assessments
Denmark commits to 9 GW of offshore wind by 2030: EMD selected for key wind assessments To accelerate offshore wind production, Denmark has committed to tendering at least 9 GW of offshore wind capacity for construction by 2030. To meet this goal, the Danish Energy...
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Sidste chance ! – Har du husket at tilmelde dig vores energyPRO 5.0 Temadag næste uge?
Temadagen giver dig en unik mulighed for at se, hvad den kommende energyPRO 5.0 version indeholder og få en introduktion til de nye funktionaliteter. Programmet inkluderer præsentation af den nye energyPRO 5.0 med et opdateret grafisk design, forbedrede...
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Invitation til energyPRO 5.0 temadag
Du inviteres hermed til vores Temadag, der giver dig en unik mulighed for at se, hvad den kommende energyPRO 5.0 version indeholder og få introduktion til de nye funktionaliteter. Programmet inkluderer præsentationer af den nye energyPRO 5.0 med et opdateret grafisk...
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Only 8 days until Windergy India 2024!
Our team members, Adit Nand Kishore and Karina Bredelle, are excited to connect with you at the Danish Pavilion, Chennai Trade Centre, from October 23-25, 2024. Do not miss the chance to explore how windPRO can optimize your wind energy projects, learn more about how...
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Mød os på Dansk Fjernvarmes Landsmøde!
Landsmødet afholdes i år i Bella Centeret i København d. 24.-25. oktober. Vi glæder os til at byde dig velkommen til vores stand, hvor du kan møde vores team og få en præsentation af de nye funktionaliteter i den kommende energyPRO version 5.0. Derudover kan du...
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Last chance to register for our SOLAR PV course next week in the new windPRO 4.1 version!
During our SOLAR PV course, you will learn about optimizing solar panel placement, such as using East-West facing panels to maximize energy production during peak electricity prices in morning and evening hours. The course also covers tools like PHOTOMONTAGE for easy...
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Are you attending WindEnergy Hamburg next week?
Stop by our stand A1.333 to meet our expert team and explore the latest advancements in the new windPRO 4.1 software. Learn how the newest version can help you streamline wind farm design and analysis. We look forward to meeting up with new and existing clients and...
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SOLARX EU project webinar – register now !
As part of the SOLARX EU project our colleagues Marta Murkowska and Anders N. Andersen will be presenting during the upcoming webinar called Modelling of complex energy systems in energyPRO – SOLARX case. Attend to explore the possibilities of modelling,...
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EMD International A/S and EMDFonden present record breaking results for 2023
Press release, Aalborg, Denmark, May 7, 2024 At the end of April, the leading Danish technology company, EMD International A/S, which develops software and consulting services for the renewable energy industry, reported the best financial results in the company’s...
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New energyPRO model
Unlike solar and wind power, which rely on specific weather conditions, molten salt facilities can generate and store energy for up to 10 hours, operating at anytime. It is not a surprise that energyPRO allows for modelling various energy systems. It might come as news...
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SOLARX EU project
About SOLARX is an EU project that started in 2022. EMD is one of the 8 participating organizations from 6 different countries in the EU that work together on this project. SOLARX integrates 3 high concentration solar technologies and AI based smart resource...
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Meet our new Head of Sales and Marketing
This week we welcomed Maj Nedergaard to our growing team. As Head of Sales and Marketing, Maj will be overall responsible for our sales- and marketing efforts. This includes the managerial responsibility of our dedicated sales and marketing professionals, budgets,...
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Did you miss our webinar presenting the latest updates in energyPRO version 4.9 ?
In the webinar our colleague Leif Holm Tambjerg presented some of the improvements, which include: ✔️ OPTIMIZE, more technologies included ✔️ Batteries, formulars in charge/discharge ✔️ Peak payments included in MILP calculation ✔️ Time series,...
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Attend our webinar and get clear overview of improvents in new energyPRO 4.9. version
We just released a new energyPRO 4.9 service pack. In this webinar we will present the improvements, which include: ✔️ OPTIMIZE, more technologies included ✔️ Batteries, formulars in charge/discharge ✔️ Peak payments included in MILP calculation ✔️...
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See you at Winterwind
Winterwind takes place in beautiful Åre, Sweden from March 18-22, 2024, where scientists, engineers, manufacturers, developers, consultants, investors, wind farm owners etc. from all over the world gather to discuss the challenges of generating wind power in cold...
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We have just released a new version of energyPRO 4.9
The list of improvements in this version includes: OPTIMIZE, more technologies included Batteries, formulae in charge/discharge Peak payments included in MILP calculation Time series, option of scaling and offsetting Time series, option of setting colour We have...
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Excited to be part of the WindEurope Annual Event in Bilbao next week!
Are you attending? Make sure to stop by our stand 1D60 at the Danish Pavilion and meet our dedicated team: Anders Brask, Mads V. Sørensen, Henrik Pedersen, Maurizio Motta and Victor Cusi. Discover how our innovative solutions can elevate your wind energy and solar...
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Introducing SARAH-3: High-Performance Solar Irradiation Data for Your SOLAR-PV Calculations in windPRO and energyPRO
SARAH-3 is a climate data record from EUMETSAT CM SAF that provides high-resolution solar irradiation data for Europe and Africa. It is replacing SARAH-2 which is no longer being updated forward in time. Our online-data team has assessed this dataset: Compared to...
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Join us at WIND EXPO in Japan!
The WIND EXPO brings together a diverse array of technologies for wind power generation, from turbines to farm construction, maintenance, operation, and offshore innovations. You can meet our colleagues Anders Brask and Maurizio Motta at stand W23-48 at the Danish...
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Vestforbrænding og EMD indgår aftale om OPTI
Vores anlægssetup bliver mere og mere komplekst og det stiller store krav til bemandingen, arbejdsprocesser og til systemerne, der skal hjælpe til. Det er afgørende, at vi kan levere varmen til kunderne på den billigst mulige måde og samtidig gøre det grønt og...
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Per Nielsen will retire in 2024
After 37 years of being responsible for a decisive development of the wind turbine industry in Denmark as well as in the rest of the world, CEO and founder of EMD International A/S, Per Nielsen, has chosen to retire and hand over the role to Vice CEO Christian...
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Attend our ‘Introduction to energyPRO’ course January 16th, 2024
Here you will learn how to build complex energy systems and solve them through a techno-economic approach using the program’s MILP-solver. The focus areas of the course will be: – The unit commitment problem – Project settings – Adding of fuels,...
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En kæmpe i vindmølleindustrien takker af
Efter i 37 år at have stået for en afgørende udvikling af vindmøllesektoren i såvel Danmark som i resten af verden, har direktør og grundlægger af EMD International A/S, Per Nielsen, valgt at gå på pension og overdrage rollen til vicedirektør Christian...
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