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Have you secured your seat at some of our several exciting energyPRO courses this month?

The courses take place online from 9:00-13:00 and there are different topics including ✔️Introduction to energyPRO ✔️Heat network and transmission lines ✔️Sector coupling and PtX ✔️Advanced heat pump modelling Please read more about the course programs, price and register here.

energyPRO courses !

We have scheduled a number of different online courses in September. The ‘Introduction to energyPRO’ course you will learn how to use energyPRO and for which type of analysis our software solution can be used for. Through examples, we guide you through how to set up a model including all the different types of elements […]

Updated Finnish LUKE Forest Map – 2019 Tree Heights Now Available

Updated 2019 forest height data for Finland – derived from the recent LUKE “Multi-source National Forest Inventory Raster Maps of 2019” (released in 2021) – is now available as an online data service for users of windPRO 3.5. If you are working at forested sites, then within Finland, you can use these forest height data […]

Swedish National Elevation Model – Now Available Directly in windPRO

The Swedish National Elevation Model (GSD Höjddata, grid 50+ nh) is now available as an online data service for users of windPRO 3.2. The native elevation data is stored in a 50m grid-format. This can be used directly in windPRO from the elevation grid object. If you prefer to use height contour lines, then the […]

Swedish SLU Forest Map – Tree Heights Now Available Directly in windPRO

Forest height data for Sweden derived from the SLU Forest Map of Sweden is now available as an online data service for users of windPRO 3.2. If you are working at forested sites, you can use these forest height data as input for the dedicated forest models – that is within the displacement height calculator […]

Norwegian Elevation Models – Now Available Directly in windPRO

The national digital elevation models for Norway – released by the Norwegian ‘Kartverket’ – are now available as a part of the online data service for users of windPRO 3.2. In windPRO you can access the digital elevation model (DTM10) – as well as the digital surface model (DOM10). The data is available in a […]

Saxony-Anhalt High Quality DTMs – 5m and 20m – Now in windPRO

Two high-quality digital terrain models (DTM’s) in 5m and 20m resolution covering the German state of Saxony-Anhalt have now been added to the online-services of windPRO 3.4. These elevation models are derived from a higher resolution model (2m grid-resolution), recently released from the Landesamtes für Vermessung und Geoinformation Sachsen-Anhalt (LVermGeo). Source data originates from years […]

Danish KU Forest Inventory – Tree Heights Now Available Directly in windPRO

A map of the forest heights for Denmark – derived from a dataset developed by the Danish University of Copenhagen – Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management – is now available as an online data service for users of windPRO 3.3+. If you are working at forested sites in Denmark, then you can use […]

Brandenburg High Quality DTM’s – 5m and 20m – Now in windPRO

Two high-quality digital elevation models (DTM’s) in 5m and 20m resolution and covering the German state of Brandenburg have now been added to the online-services of windPRO 3.3. These elevation models are adapted versions of higher resolution models obtained by aerial surveys with data source from Landesvermessung und Geobasisinformation Brandenburg (LGB). Read more at our […]

Latvian Geodata Package – Now Available in windPRO

Now windPRO users developing wind farms in Latvia have easy access to a comprehensive package with very high-resolution Latvian national geodata. The data is available through the online-data services in windPRO 3.3+ and includes national elevation model (20m resolution) and forest height data (5m resolution, currently with spatial coverage of about half of Latvia). Topographic […]