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Invitation – Introduction to windPRO in Tokyo February 27th, 2024

We would like to invite you to an event at the The Royal Danish Embassy in Tokyo, where we introduce and demonstrate our windPRO software. The event will also cover offshore topics as well as Q&A sessions. When: February 27th, 2024 from 14:00-17:30 Where: The Royal Danish Embassy in Tokyo Program: Click here to read […]

Aalborg-virksomhed planter 10.000 træer i ny lokal skov

EMDFonden har sørget for, at der er plantet 10.000 små egetræer i den nye Lundbygaard Skov syd for Aalborg. Skoven skal reducere CO2-udledning og kommunen arbejder på at det også bliver et nyt rekreativt område med stier og MTB-spor. EMDFonden, der ejer EMD, har bidraget med 250.000 kroner til 10.000 træer i den nye skov, […]

Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year

On behalf of me and my colleagues at EMD, I would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We would like to express our sincere thanks for the cooperation with you and your company during the year. 2023 has been a year of growth at EMD, both […]

Want to register for our courses?

We have just launched a new course booking system! Now, registering for our different types of windPRO and energyPRO courses are easier than ever. Here are a few important details you need to know: Registration Process: All registrations must be made through our website. Visit windPRO courses and energyPRO courses to explore our courses and secure […]

energyPRO 4.9 – new MODULE released!

Discover the Autumn Update of energyPRO 4.9! We’re thrilled to announce the latest release of energyPRO 4.9. The spotlight feature: OPTIMIZE! With OPTIMIZE, you can now perform sizing optimization for energy conversion units and storage components within your model, empowering you to make more informed decisions. But that’s not all! We’ve added the ability to […]

New energyPRO version just released !

We have just released energyPRO 4.9. The main new features in energyPRO 4.9 include showing payments at timestep level and load change restrictions. With payments shown at timestep level you can include the single payments in the production, graphic and export the payments at timestep level, similar to export energy conversion. The new load change […]

Improved global satellite images available now in windPRO: windPRO Global Satellite Imagery – 10m (2022)

The windPRO online-data team at EMD has just released a 2022 version of the “windPRO Global Satellite Imagery – 10m” dataset. This dataset supplements the 2018 release which is still available. The new 2022 version is of higher quality and has fewer clouds compared to the 2018 version. You can add it as a background […]

Ready for the next paradigm of elevation models? CopernicusDEM is now in windPRO!

You have probably heard this before: We just love the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) elevation data. SRTM data from year 2000 is today the current paradigm for on-site orography in areas without high quality national elevation models. Tens of thousands of potential wind farm sites have relied on the excellent SRTM dataset which today […]

Now in windPRO – new wake model: WakeBlaster

windPRO now includes an option to run WakeBlaster, a new wake model. WakeBlaster is a numerical solver of the 3-dimensional Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes equations, specialized in wind turbine wakes. But what is new? No more superposition: Instead of modelling single turbine wakes and superimposing them empirically, WakeBlaster models the whole waked wind field in […]

Now in windPRO – Near-Global Forest Canopy Heights

The ”Near-Global Forest Canopy Heights GLAD” dataset is developed from a fusion of GEDI lidar data (Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation Lidar) and Landsat imagery data. It has a near-global spatial coverage ranging from latitudes S52.0 to N52.0, and it reflects the 95% relative height of the canopy with a 25m ground area footprint. The GEDI […]