Further Improvements to windPRO PERFORMANCE CHECK
Another fundamental feature for Post construction analysis and loss evaluations is a consistent Nacelle Transfer Function “NTF” of the SCADA Nacelle anemometer wind speed measurements as its very important to have consistent wind speed measurements for all operation modes and stopped conditions. This is however not always the case.
In windPRO 3.4 PERFORMANCE CHECK we are introducing another new feature to correct for variation of the nacelle wind speed measurements, when the turbine is idling or stopped as compared to when it is in normal operation.
The new feature works fast and windPRO automatically selects a reference wind turbine, filters the data so that they are concurrent and in normal operation mode, and secondly also that the turbine under investigation is always stopped or in sub optimal performance, but the reference turbine is still in normal mode.
One can quickly filter all data to be from an undisturbed wind sector, and the resulting difference can be applied as a SCALE factor to all 10min time samples, which is concurrent with a turbine error event.
The NTF shall be corrected before losses are calculated, as they are derived from the measured historic power curve of each individual turbine, using its normal operation data only and the wind speed measured during the error event.
Want to know more, please contact Henrik S. Pedersen