Easy and open: Data transfer between windPRO and external tools and models
During the last releases of windPRO, EMD has implemented several open-data interchange formats to facilitate easy interaction with 3rd party tools and models: FLOWREQ and FLOWRES are our windPRO flow-model interchange formats that include the option to pack all data for doing a flow-model simulation, and then receive the results in a standardized format.
SITERES is for windPRO to support multi-parameter and multi-dimension gridded wind atlas and climate-data.
The MESORES format allows wind analysts to import a single, self-contained data-file with time-series information from one or more data-nodes and to obtain the associated geospatial information (time-series data, mesoscale-orography and mesoscale-roughness). This will then be available for further windPRO-modelling in calculations, such as downscaling (via the Scaler), long-term-correction (via MCP) or advanced time-series modelling (various modules).
Common to these interchange formats are: They are open, documented and easy for everyone to implement. So, if you – or your modelling team – is working with your own modelling tools, data-sources, or 3rd party tools, you should consider looking into our FLOWREQ/FLOWRES, SITERES and MESORES interchange formats.
Learn more and find data-samples at our windPRO knowledgebase.
Illustration: 3km grid resolution mesoscale terrain from a results-layer in windPRO.
(DEM is embedded within windPRO when importing .mesores files)