Introducing SARAH-3: High-Performance Solar Irradiation Data for Your SOLAR-PV Calculations in windPRO and energyPRO
SARAH-3 is a climate data record from EUMETSAT CM SAF that provides high-resolution solar irradiation data for Europe and Africa.
It is replacing SARAH-2 which is no longer being updated forward in time.
Our online-data team has assessed this dataset: Compared to in-situ data and reference data, both SARAH datasets show a reliable and stable performance, making SARAH the preferred first options for PV-solar evaluations with windPRO and energyPRO, if the location is within its spatial domain.
The best part? These data are free to use through the SOLAR PV module of windPRO and for our energyPRO software.
Find the free validation-memo and a link to our knowledgebase by clicking here.