Introducing the new global EMD Solar Energy Index
With the new EMD Solar Energy Index service, Solar PV asset managers and operators now have easy access to index data worldwide to evaluate the performance of their plants.
We offer two levels of index services: Regional Index and Plant Index.
Regional Index
A free Solar Energy Index for most recent month, quarter, YTD, or recent 12 months, which can be read from map at cursor position manually. The index is calculated in a rectangular grid (approx. 30 x 30 km resolution), the global horizontal irradiance and temperature is converted to power using a generic PV panel tilted at the optimal angle for each location.
Plant Index
A subscription-based service calculating a more accurate index specifically for the selected point based on the nearest ERA5t node and details about your plant configuration and PV panel characteristic. Here, the tilt angle, azimuth, shading effects etc. at the plant is considered. This will create a solar energy index which is well aligned with the production dynamic of your specific project.
Plant Index can be integrated into your workflow using API or report available online. Multiple indices are available – month abnormality, last year, last quarter and more.
Try our service and see more details by clicking here.