More recent ERA5-based data now available in windPRO online data – did you notice?
ERA5 reanalysis data is used as a key source in many of our renewable energy applications – and it is surely also a major component within windPRO climate and mesoscale datasets.
Since this summer – more recent data has been made available at an earlier time since the data-delivery in some cases has decreased from 2-3 months to a mere 1-3 weeks.
This is because ECMWF – the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts – has finally included the delivery of ERA5T (preliminary, ERA5 data) as part of their downstream services for the native, gaussian grid results.
This data source is used as input to many of the windPRO datasets. However, for the EMD derived datasets, our delivery time depends not only on availability and download duration of the forcing data (ERA5 and ERA5T) from ECMWF, but also data-processing and computing time on our high-performance computer cluster “Thor”.
If you want to know when we expect to have your data ready – and how we handle the ERA5T data ingestion, please see our dataset wiki-pages with updated information on the update schedules.
Read more at our dataset wiki-pages:
· EMD-WRF On-Demand
· EMD-WRF Europe+
· EMD-WRF South Korea
· ERA5 Gaussian Grid
· ERA5 Rectangular Grid
Part of the EMD-WRF Europe+ Domain (where ERA5 and ERA5T data is used as forcing-data)