New and up-to-date roughness and tree-height maps of Turkey in windPRO: ÜSTÜN windPROSPER Maps
During 2016-2018 EMD International A/S (EMD) formed a fruitful project partnership with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and ÜSTÜN Energy Engineering LLC from Turkey (ÜSTÜN) within the Eurostars project “windPROSPER”. In 2019 products from the project are released by the project partners and made available to users of windPRO. First product from windPROSPER was EMD’s release of the ERA5-based EMD-WRF Europe+ mesoscale dataset/wind map. Now, ÜSTÜN releases their “ÜSTÜN windPROSPER Maps”. These maps deliver high quality, up-to-date roughness and tree height maps of Turkey and Denmark directly into online-services of windPRO. The “ÜSTÜN windPROSPER Maps” are commercial, premium grade maps that are licenced directly from ÜSTÜN with an annual subscription plan. Updates of the datasets are scheduled to a 1-2 years cycle.
Read more at the windPRO wiki.
Links to windPROSPER products
EMD-WRF Europe+ MesoScale Data Set:
Subscription for the ÜSTÜN windPROSPER Maps:
In order to get access to the data – all you need to do for registration is to contact ÜSTÜN Energy Engineering in Turkey and fill out a short form with your company information and windPRO license number. Within a few days your maps will be accessible directly in windPRO via the windPRO online-service.
Image showing “ÜSTÜN windPROSPER maps: Turkish Roughness” in windPRO – along with two wind farms located to the south-west of Söke, Turkey. Background imagery: “windPRO European VHR Satellite Imagery – 2.5m by EMD International A/S (Contains modified Copernicus data)”