New energyPRO version just released !
We have just released energyPRO 4.9.
The main new features in energyPRO 4.9 include showing payments at timestep level and load change restrictions.
With payments shown at timestep level you can include the single payments in the production, graphic and export the payments at timestep level, similar to export energy conversion.
The new load change restrictions are a set of new options to avoid excessive fluctuations of production on energy conversion units including ramping time, etc.
You can easily get an overview of the new changes by attending our free webinar
taking place May 22nd, 2023, 13:00-14:00 CEST.
Please click here to sign-up.
List of improvements
• Load change restrictions
• Payments showed at timestep level
• A dedicated Electrolyser energy conversion unit
• Option of choosing the output type on dedicated energy conversion units
• Improvements in operation strategy calculation speed
Read more about the improvements here.
You can download the new version of energyPRO here.