Saxony-Anhalt High Quality DTMs – 5m and 20m – Now in windPRO
Two high-quality digital terrain models (DTM’s) in 5m and 20m resolution covering the German state of Saxony-Anhalt have now been added to the online-services of windPRO 3.4. These elevation models are derived from a higher resolution model (2m grid-resolution), recently released from the Landesamtes für Vermessung und Geoinformation Sachsen-Anhalt (LVermGeo). Source data originates from years 2015-2018.
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Image: Saxony-Anhalt Elevation Model: DGM 5m and wind farms at a location near Concordiasee to the South-West of Magdeburg. Source: EMD/windPRO elevation model based on data from © GeoBasis-DE / LVermGeo LSA. Background image: windPRO European VHR Satellite Imagery – 2.5m by EMD International A/S (Contains modified Copernicus data).