SOLARX EU project
SOLARX is an EU project that started in 2022. EMD is one of the 8 participating organizations from 6 different countries in the EU that work together on this project.
SOLARX integrates 3 high concentration solar technologies and AI based smart resource management, to produce electricity, heat for storage and/or SHIP and green H2 or Syngas in a carbon neutral way.
SOLARX’s main goal is to demonstrate the technical, economic and social relevance of the synergetic efficient production of heat, electricity and H2 from solar resource in a single facility, considering energy demands and market prices for a wide range of locations and application scenarios.
With the above, it would be possible to create a carbon-neutral and high efficiency energy production adapted to local demands.
EMD’s role in the project
Our aim is to ensure continuity of SOLARX after the project is finished by taking the following actions:
- Identifying the future technological evolution of the concept.
- Assessing the economic potential and profitability of SOLARX, as well as performing optimal system sizing.
- Implementing SOLARX plant models in techno-economic software (energyPRO) to enable future solar plant developers to consider SOLARX systems.
Read about Molten Salts Storage as part of SOLARX project in energyPRO