UK Elevations and Maps: LiDAR DTMs, Updates & Additions
Two additional LiDAR based elevation digital terrain models (DTMs) have been released within Great Britain, which means that by now Wales, Scotland and England are all partly covered by high-resolution, high-quality elevation data in windPRO.
These two new datasets come in grid-resolutions of 5m (Scotland) and 10m (England). This data-release is part of a larger update of our windPRO UK online-datasets: The ‘OS Terrain 50’ DTM has been updated to the 2020 version – and the ‘OS Raster Maps’ has been added as dynamic map service in windPRO.
Read more:
UK Elevation Models in windPRO
UK-GB – OS OpenMaps in windPRO
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The windPRO team is committed to providing you with the best of land-surface and climate datasets: Let us know if there is a dataset you would like to see in windPRO – please use our form here.
Figure: Elevation models at wind farms outside Goole, England. Data shown in color-legend is 10m DTM (LiDAR) for England. Lines are 2.5m contours derived from ‘OS-Terrain-50’. Acknowledgements for data: Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government License v3.0. Contains Environment Agency Data © 2021. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2020. Background image: WindPRO European VHR Satellite Imagery – 2.5m by EMD International A/S (Contains modified Copernicus data).