Update of French Orthophoto Mosaic in windPRO
The Institut National de l’Information Geographique et Forestiére (IGN) has begun releasing higher resolution and updated versions of the French orthophotos.
In windPRO, we have now replaced the existing 5m resolution version with its higher resolution counterparts; this being ready available from the dynamic, zoomable maps of windPRO. Currently this higher resolution imagery covers 86 of 101 French departements and overseas territories. The remaining, missing parts will be added to windPRO when they become available from IGN.
Read more at the windPRO knowledgebase.
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Image showing: Part of the Parc éloien de Punta Aja, Corsica, France. Source: Orthophotos from Institut National de l’Information Geographique et Forestiére (IGN) – 2020.