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Improved global satellite images available now in windPRO: windPRO Global Satellite Imagery – 10m (2022)

The windPRO online-data team at EMD has just released a 2022 version of the “windPRO Global Satellite Imagery – 10m” dataset. This dataset supplements the 2018 release which is still available. The new 2022 version is of higher quality and has fewer clouds compared to the 2018 version. You can add it as a background […]

Ready for the next paradigm of elevation models? CopernicusDEM is now in windPRO!

You have probably heard this before: We just love the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) elevation data. SRTM data from year 2000 is today the current paradigm for on-site orography in areas without high quality national elevation models. Tens of thousands of potential wind farm sites have relied on the excellent SRTM dataset which today […]

Now in windPRO – Near-Global Forest Canopy Heights

The ”Near-Global Forest Canopy Heights GLAD” dataset is developed from a fusion of GEDI lidar data (Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation Lidar) and Landsat imagery data. It has a near-global spatial coverage ranging from latitudes S52.0 to N52.0, and it reflects the 95% relative height of the canopy with a 25m ground area footprint. The GEDI […]

Farewell to SRTM? A new global elevation model is here!

Over the years, tens of thousands of potential wind farm sites have relied on the excellent Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) data as one of the main data-sources for on-site orography. Many of us are still using SRTM data and more than 50% of all elevation downloads in windPRO are SRTM-30m resolution (1-arc-second) data. In […]

windPRO is now also SOLAR

Over the last two years, EMD has been working on a new Solar PV module which is now ready in windPRO 3.4. In case you have never worked with solar farms before, don’t worry, the Solar PV module is straight forward to use: Digitize area to fill with panels Define panel characteristics (tilt angle, azimuth, […]